Call for Peace
In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful
Call for Peace
Assalam o Alleyykum
Alhamdu’lillah! With the Grace of Allah I embarked upon Call for Peace at international level over 25 years ago and made every effort to bring Call for Peace on the scene. I was desperate to bring Call for Peace on the scene and had been making Dua’a to Allah. Alhamdu’lillah! Allah listened to my Dua’a and last year I received phone call from Kabeer Khan on behalf of Mybizsite and thereafter the websites are being hosted and developed.
Brother! The circumstantial evidence depicts that Allah has chosen Mybizsite to convey His (SWT) Message under the name Call for Peace until the Day of Resurrection as project: Call for Peace is based upon Qur’anand Hadith.
Brother! Since the development of websites I again tried to bring Call for Peace on the scene but it appears that Allah wants to give this opportunityto
Brother! In short, I have drafted anarticle naddressed to founder of and is attached. Please read this letter carefully and have consultation with the founder of Mybizsite and forward it to founder of This article is also uploaded on website: which can be located:
Traitor in W. House
No 3 Promotion
No 2 Website: www.sapulse
Brother! It is natural phenomenon that before an important issue is forwarded the recipient has to be briefed. In this case it will be better that the founder of Mybizsite should browse the subject matter and then brief his father the founder of
Brother! Please also read article: No 1 Media in Pakistan under Post: Traitor in W. Housewhich can be located:
Traitor in W. House
No 3 Promotion
No 1 Media in Pakistan
Brother! I understand that you are very busy. But under the light of Qur’an and Hadith you must give priority to read the articles, consultation with founder of Mybizsiteand forward it to founder of
Surah al Anfal Verse no.24
O you who believe! Answer Allah (by obeying Him) and (His) messenger when he (SAW) calls youto that which will give you life, and know that Allah comes in between a person and his heart (i.e. He prevents an evil person to decide anything). And verily, to Him you shall (all) be gathered.
Narrated Abu Sa’id Al-Mu’alla I was praying in the Masjid, Allah’s Messenger (SAW) called me but I did not respondto Him (SAW).:
Later I said: O Allah’s Messenger! I was praying.
He said: Didn’t Allah say: answer Allah(by obeying Him) and His Messenger when He (SAW) callsyou.
Brother! Alhamdu’lillah! Allah has showered Mybizsite with His (SWT) exclusive Blessings to host, develop and promote Message of Allah.
Brother! All mankind is offspring of Hazrat Adam (PBUH). Anbiyya e Karam are also offspring of Hazrat Adam (PBUH). Allah chose Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) to complete Deen e Islam, the greatest honour. Brother! Allah has chosen Mybizsite to host, develop and now promote Deen e Islam among whole of Muslim Ummah. Brother! Do you notthink you have been bestowed with the greatest honour to promote Deen e Islam which was completed upon Khatim ul AnbiyyaProphet Mohammed (SAW)?
Surah al Ma’idah Verse no. 3
I have perfected your Deen (Way of Life) for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your Deen (Way of Life).
[May Allah Bless You]
Brother! It appears that the editor Rana Abdul Baqiof will be the key to promote project Call for Peace. Please give him my contact numbers as below where we can directly exchange views: